Sure, there's lots of seldom worked territory,
And sure, you can get a ton of studies,
And yes, everyone listens,
And of course, you can have in depth conversations on bible topics that can last an hour or more,
And many beg you to return,
And experiences here read like yearbook experiences, ...
Do studies REALLY progress?
I've heard C.O.s back home say that they don't.
Then again, they've never visited. Why they would say that sounds more like...well, you be the judge:
3 years ago, we averaged around 65 at our meetings here in Brisas del Norte.
Now, we're at 165 average, and one REGULAR meeting saw 203. Our last C.O. visit had 204. More importantly, our C.O. is begging any and all to speak to their friends to ask for help from any who can come.
We've had the privilege of seeing various studies get baptized, with their extended families also coming into the truth and being baptized too, and have several more either as publishers or in the school.
What's more, our brothers are having even greater successes. A couple visiting from Canada for a month have invited 6 couples to the meeting. 5 came (the 6th would have, but the bus broke down). All are progressing well in their studies - and did I say it's been only a month?
Of course, there are substantial challenges in preaching here, like this one...
But that we can handle. Of a more difficult nature is the difficult terrain outside of Volcán centro and the rainy season.
For this reason, we've decided to make a major purchase to help us in visiting seldom worked territory:
This rugged 4X4 has 13 " of ground clearance and comes fully equipped to reach these difficult areas.
As for those who might remember my dirt bike, this is the story: Taking my truck here was ruining the truck. Taking the dirt bike here was ruining me. This is the perfect machine.
This family was very happy to see us. This time, Mark came with me, but from now on it will be Chris.
Mark and his wife Helena have been very effective in the ministry here during their one month visit. They have started several studies, and various couples have come to the meetings. We're very happy in continuing two of their studies when they leave. The others will be shared with other brothers in the congregation.
Kids at play. It's amazing what they will entertain themselves with. After the study, they spent the morning telling us all about the fruits surrounding their home. Their diet is almost completely vegetarian, except for eggs and the odd chicken.
On this path, we found a house we didn't know existed. I had heard noise when in the area and followed it until we got to the place. Once there, the man plied me with questions and we had a great one hour conversation. I had begged to leave a number of times (we were late for a study back in Volcán) but the man kept insisting on more replies. As we left, he asked two more questions for us to reply when we returned. We'll be back this saturday.
Not all preaching will be done by buggy. Below, you can see pics of a two day hike we did to get to some nearly inaccessible areas.
The river was perfect - both for relaxing after a grueling hike, as well as for preaching. It was here that everyone crossed to get to where they were going. We saw and heard traffic going through here day and night.
Our little campsite. It was awesome, except for the fact everyone crossed here all night long. Oh, and there were these frogs whistling loudly right near our heads too.
A surprisingly secure bridge!
Looks like I was hiding and waiting for my next victim right? We were actually having a pretty serious bible conversation.
In total, I'd guess we walked a good 60km+ in two days, over extreme terrain -- so extreme I would never make it through there on a dirt bike. However, it was very enjoyable, and we plan to return soon. Want to come?